Red Balloon Technology Ltd
Alphomism - a belief system for our times.
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The ‘Single Person’

My name is Richard Miles Brown. My credentials for compiling Alphomism are;

•  an almost lifelong interest in philosophy and metaphysics
•  an equally long-lived need to know what it’s all about
•  a degree in philosophy and psychology from Oxford University
•  fairly extensive reading (though nowhere near enough!)
•  a reasonably broad experience of life
•  a talent for making patterns out of apparently shapeless data.

The first version was produced almost 30 years ago as a small, self-published pamphlet. The ideas have been tested against the comments of many others and the rigours of life. Some of the original notions have been changed but overall it feels as though the system has survived the tests sufficiently well to warrant this scary launch onto the net.



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